Spijs van Gijs marketingmaterial

Spijs van Gijs requested me to provide them with all neccesary marketing material. Includes studio productshots, event photo’s and a promovideo (tap slider to view pictures).

My way of telling his unique story was by getting detailed shots about his unique foodtruck and enlighten that it’s capable of preparing fresh food. The cliënt wanted me to record the whole cooking proces. From chopping firewood up until the crowd enjoying his products.

Shot in august 2018

Schermafbeelding 2020-04-05 om 22.02.27.png
Spijs van Gijs videopromo captivate.png
Bedrijfsvideo promo Spijs van Gijs .png
Schermafbeelding 2020-04-05 om 22.02.12.png
Spijs van Gijs promo video by cherelleoverklift.com .PNG
Spijs van Gijs instagram promotional video cherelleoverklift.jpeg
Spijs van Gijs instagram promo video captivate.PNG